Having problems producing saliva? Time to find out the cause.

We all know for great health it’s important to stay hydrated. Sometimes, no matter how much water we drink a dry mouth can persist. When a dry mouth doesn’t go away, this could mean that you may have a problem with producing saliva. This can cause a dry, sticky feeling in your mouth.

It is important to listen to your oral health and when something isn’t quite right, talk to your dentist so we can identify the cause and prevent leading to more serious dental issues.


It will be quite easy for you to identify when you have a dry mouth,

The most common symptoms include;

  • Dry or sticky mouth or throat
  • Having trouble chewing, swallowing or speaking
  • Slight burning feeling
  • Rough tongue
  • Cracked lips
  • Bad breath
  • Mouth Ulcers

There are a few different reasons why you may experience a dry mouth, these can include:

  • Weather
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Sleeping with your mouth open
  • Lack of saliva production

Constantly having a dry mouth can be a cause for a concern. We recommend discussing further with your dentist, especially to identify the cause and ways to treat this.


Learn more about some possible treatment options with your local Shepperton Dental practice. We recommend you book an appointment with a dentist to further discuss, so they can provide expert advice on getting your mouth on track.


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